Day 1; Back on Track

Sunday, April 25, 2010

January 28th, 2010 -- 115kgs or 253lbs
The exact day I came across and started practicing the 'Fast5 Lifestyle'

April 14th, 2010 -- 107kgs or 236lbs
Roughly the day I stopped bothering with the 'Fast5 Lifestyle' due to medication which resulted in the desire for food... 3/or 6x a day.

April 25th, 2010 -- 106kgs or 235lbs
The day where I've noticed that due to stopping with the 'Fast5 Lifestyle' My weight has moreorless entered a plateau and in general I just don't feel healthy or vivacious with life.

The solution? Simple. 'Fast5"

I am back on track! The 'Fast5 Lifestyle' is a way of life, ...My life and as for my medication... for now, I'll resist the temptation/desire for food and opt instead to fill up on nice warm water when the cravings for food starts.

As for keeping daily food logs? I've decided against... because let's face it, I'm a simple female who can happily eat the same thing day in and day out. Instead I'll be updating this particular fasting blog of mine once a week or so with ramblings of my health, moods and et cetera related to the 'Fast5 Lifestyle'

The plan? Basic.

My plan is to stick with the 'Fast5 Lifestyle' for six days out of the week and the seventh day will be a complete fast with either water/or other liquids.

Other than this, I have nothing more to say/or type.

Curvaceous Kiwi  

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