Day 14; It's getting easier, Yay!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

First off a big thank you, to those who read and whom hath commented on this small blog of mine. I really do appreciate the support you have given me, your comments mean the world to me and give me that extra omph of motivation. So thank you.

I'm pleased to announce that I'm once again finding the fasting aspect much, much easier to handle. The medication in itself has stopped affecting me hunger wise. Yay!

I've also brought myself a water distiller, pure steamed water to drink while fasting. It's just so fresh, clean and utterly divine to drink.

And! I am out of things to say, till next Sunday...

Curvaceous Kiwi

Day 7; I won't lie, I admit I'm struggling

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The past week has been extremely hard and admittedly a real struggle. I survived. Admittedly, just barely.

It's not the actual 'Fast5 Lifestyle' I'm struggling with-- Oh no, it's that I still have to take the dratted Medication I've been prescribed and thus I'm struggling as it interferes with my 'Fast5 Lifestlye' in the process.

I am surviving, just-- yet I refuse to fall back into old habits, I so previously slipped back into before.

I know I can do this; will do this... I must.

I'm sticking through to the end, My prescription Medication is only a mere obstacle. I shall persevere!

Curvaceous Kiwi

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